Business Results Strategist
Congratulations for embarking on this journey! I look forward to partnering together and supporting you in achieving your training & development, coaching & consulting goals.
Contact me to schedule a FREE strategy session!
What Is Business Coaching?
A business coach’s ultimate goal is to help change the behavior and performance of the business owner in order to improve the business. As your business coach, we will partner together to determine your, “WHY!”
Business coaching is the process of engaging in regular, structured conversation with a “client”: an individual or team who is within a business, profit or nonprofit organization, and who is the recipient of business coaching. The goal is to enhance the client’s awareness and behavior so as to achieve business objectives for both the client and their business.
Business coaching enables the client to understand their role in achieving business success, and to enhance that role in ways that are measurable and sustainable. The business coach helps the client discover how changing or accommodating personal characteristics and perspectives can affect both personal and business systems. Successful coaching helps the client achieve agreed-upon business outcomes!
Business coaching establishes an atmosphere of mutual trust, respect, safety, challenge and accountability to motivate both the client and the coach. To that end, the business coach must conduct an ethical and competent practice, based on appropriate professional experience, business knowledge and an understanding of individual and business change.
“Business coaching” is an inclusive term that refers to all types of business and organizational coaching. It is practiced by internal and external coaches who may identify as corporate coaches, executive coaches, leadership coaches, organizational development coaches or other types of business coaches. Regardless of the practitioner’s title, business coaching is defined by its dual focus on the client and the client’s business.
Reasons to Hire a Business Coach…
Gain an objective outside opinion of your business.
Learn how and why leadership is so vital to business growth and success.
Reduce the stress in your business and personal life.
Cultivate a much larger capacity for producing exceptional results.
Have power over your time instead of your time having power over you.
Attract and develop high performers.
- Experience the power of “play” in your business again.
Have greater awareness and greater clarity around goals and objectives.
“Karen Boyd offers great advice, care, experience and concern for current and future clients. ”
Andreas Davis
A.F.D. Custom Clothiers
Who Works With A Coach?
Entrepreneurs, business owners, professionals, and people in transition are some of the people who typically work with a coach. Regardless of their professional endeavor or place in life, all of my clients have one thing in common: just like you…they are all successful, resourceful, and intelligent individuals who want to get even more out of their lives.
What professional athlete hasn’t used a coach to win? Tiger Woods is already one of the best, and yet he understands the value that comes from having someone work directly with him, someone to point out things he can’t see, someone to keep encouraging and challenging him to achieve his greatest potential. That’s who I am for you. Coaching is like having a personal trainer for your life & business!
Benefits of Working With A Coach
Coaching is proven to work when two factors are present:
- The client is willing to learn, grow, and take action
- There is a gap between where he/she is now and where he/she wants to be
That’s all that is necessary for a successful coaching relationship where you can develop the right strategy, implement a plan of action, and achieve your goals. Anything is possible within our coaching relationship.
With a coach you can:

Our first task together is to find out exactly what you really want for yourself and your business. Once you create objectives that are clearly in line with your personal values and professional vision, you are much more likely to naturally and consistently take actions to reach them.
Success is maximized when you enjoy a sense of personal fulfillment and life balance. We will discuss how to be selfish yet responsible, and how to carve out enough time so your life outside of work is exactly the way you want it to be.
When you have a partner you trust, you will reach for much more because you can afford to. Are you ready to think BIGGER and really live your life fully? Operate as someone who can overcome ANY obstacle both personally and professionally? I am a partner who will enable you to take your life and business wherever you want it to go!
Most people are worth a lot more than they are making. Are you happy with your financial situation? If not, we can look at your beliefs about money and address whatever is keeping you from experiencing financial abundance.
Together we’ll identify the things that drain your energy…things that are no longer working, and create a long-term strategy to eliminate them. In addition, we’ll focus on the things that give you energy…what is working, and explore how to maximize their impact. When you’re happy, productive, and free from tolerations and problems, life is a lot more fun!
I want you to benefit greatly from our coaching and the time in between. Here is a brief outline of some things you can do to maximize the value of your coaching experience.
Coaching works best when you have clear goals that are based on your true values. First, I encourage you to deeply consider what you want your life and business to look like. Then, identify the gaps between the way things are now and how you would like them to be. Many people struggle with this, so if you are unsure about what it is you really want to achieve, coaching is an excellent tool that can provide you with greater clarity.
Working with a sensitive and empathic coach is a healthy way to grow. Most clients hire a coach to work on specific goals, and much of the time focus on these objectives. Yet, with coaching, many clients discover new parts of themselves and find they can adjust their goals to be more in alignment with who they really are. This discovery process is natural, and you do not need to concentrate on it, just realize it will likely happen. Accelerated personal and professional growth is the hallmark of coaching.
Part of working with me as your coach is that I will ask a lot of you. Not too much I hope, but perhaps more than you may have been asked recently. I request that you be willing to experiment with fresh approaches and try new beliefs. I will invite you to tell the absolute truth, raise your personal standards, and set higher goals for yourself and your business. Ultimately, you need to decide what is best for you; however, the more willing you are to grow, the greater the benefits from coaching.
Accountability is key! Each week you will decide on the actions or goals you want to focus on. I expect you to keep the commitments you make and will work with you to make sure you are setting worthwhile, realistic and achievable objectives. If you know that a busy week is ahead, your homework might be as simple as thinking about a new perspective. If you have more time, you might decide to handle a big task. Regardless, I will hold you accountable and encourage you to do your best.
Contact me to schedule a FREE strategy session!
How I Coach Clients
As your coach, I will inquire, encourage, advise, challenge, make requests, and listen for your truth so that you remain aligned with who you are, your goals, your values, and your vision. My focus will be completely on you and what you want for your business and life; I stand for you first and foremost, not just your goals.
The coaching relationship is designed by both of us, and may be refined through ongoing two-way feedback. Even though I am committed to the journey, you will ultimately be responsible for actions taken (or not taken) throughout the process.
I Expect Your Best
We should only be working together if you are ready to do and be your best. If you are not doing your best, I will ask you to do so. If you cannot be your best at the moment, I will understand and do what I can so that you can be heard and get back on your path.
I Make Specific Requests
From time to time, I will make a direct request, such as “Will you accomplish X by the end of the month?” You may accept the request, counter-offer (e.g.: “I can’t do X, but I can do Y”) or decline (rare). I will always support you, whichever way you respond!
“When I looked at Karen Boyd’s profile I saw something that was pretty amazing. She said, and I quote, ” We work with small business owners to achieve results that will impact the bottom-line…by focusing on four key areas; (1) Time (2) Team (3) Money (4) Marketing! By doing so, we show you how to triple your current number of leads, double sales and increase your annual revenue by $15 to $30 thousand dollars or more, WITHOUT spending a cent on marketing or advertising.” Having read this I had to ask myself, how can she do that so I called he up to find out. After an amazing demonstration of her process and great conversation, I got it. If your business can use the kind of benefits Karen can help you achieve, she’s just a phone call away.”
Ronald Adams
EnlivenYourPotential LLC
I Give Advice
If I am sure of the situation, and you are open to it, I will make specific suggestions on how to handle a problem or go for an opportunity. If I am not sure (rarely), I will say so. Regardless, use the best of what I say and use your own judgment.
I Am Direct
When I hear a funny tone in your voice or discern something amiss, I will ask you about it. Often, it is these small moments that offer the chance to resolve something. However, I will not confront you; I will merely invite you to take a closer look.
You Set the Agenda
I typically ask you to determine your goals or actions to focus on each week and hold you accountable to reach them. I will also provide valuable resources when you need them.
Biz Savvy, Etc. Level 1
Accountability Coaching
12 Months | Email Based
Biz Savvy, Etc. Level 2
Group Coaching Accelerator
6 Months
Biz Savvy, Etc. Level 3
Group Coaching Accelerator
12 Months
Contact me to schedule a FREE strategy session!

“None of us were born to be ordinary.”